Welcome to our Blog!

We are proud to announce there will be a new member

of our Family Joining us in August of 2012!

We could not be any happier.

We want each and every one of you to join us in this

journey to having our little miracle , so we created

a blog to keep everyone upto date and informed on the progress and special moments.

Thank you all for wanting to share in this blessing with us!


The McComas Family

Monday, June 18, 2012

How far along are you? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: around 25-30 lbs total now.. already cant wait to shed that baby weight
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? yes, they have started to show up slowly
Sleep: i have been sleeping very good lately.
Best moment the past few weeks: Getting our Maternity Photo Session done was so much fun. We both had a blast. Joe talks and kisses her every day and it is so awesome to see and feel her respond.
Miss Anything? being able to fit in my clothes... but the day will come and it will all be worth it!
Movement: She is moving all around, She loves to kick and push its so funny to see her move all around in my belly.
Food cravings: SODA! not a big soda drinker but the past few weeks i have been craving sodas.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No, i have been feeling braxton hicks here and there, nothing too serious.
Symptoms: Aches in back and sleepless nights, braxton hicks contractions but mostly comfortable.
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off?on, trying to take them off in the afternoon is quite a challenge tho! =| .
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, we are getting so excited for our sweet little girl to be here. some emotional days wishing my family was here to experience it all with us!.
Looking forward to: our next dr's appt. June 21!

Monday, June 4, 2012

29 weeks: Italian Festival at Zona Rosa
in Kansas City.

26 weeks!
25 weeks!!!
27 weeks!!

27 weeks Waiting for our 4D Ultrasound!

28 weeks! Golfing at the Country Club

Welcome to Kansas 29 weeks!

Legends in Kansas!

30 weeks!!!
How far along are you? weeks 25- 30
Total weight gain: 10 lbs..  a little more but not exacly sure, dr appt tomorrow
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks?  yes, they have started to show up slowly
Sleep: tossing and turning alot lately, :(
Best moment the past few weeks: very chaotic, Joe came home from deployment, we went on a road trip to our new home in Kansas, and have been getting settled in. the best moments have been being able to share my pregnancy with Joe, he has gotten to feel and see Kami move all around and kick and do somersaults.
Miss Anything? being able to sleep for more than a few hours.
Movement: she is getting so big now and moving all around, it is one of the most magical things to see and feel her move.
Food cravings: SODA! not a big soda drinker but the past few weeks i have been craving sodas.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No, i have been feeling braxton hicks here and there, nothing too serious.
Symptoms: Aches in back and sleepless nights,  braxton hicks contractions but mostly comfortable.
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off?on, trying to take them off in the afternoon is quite a challenge tho! =| .
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little bit of both, with the move and Joe coming home the emotions have been high and stressful but also fun and exciting.
Looking forward to: This next week Joe will get to go to his first dr appt. i cant wait to have him there with me.

We have been in the process of moving from Texas to Kansas. We have arrived at our new home on base and are getting settled in. Seeing Joe get home from Deployment was amazing. His reaction to my belly Growing was so cool. We had a 4D ultrasound done before leaving Texas and our sweet Kamiryn is Breach. She still has time to move and since she was breach it was hard to get a good video of her. We have a dr appt tomorrow at our new dr office here in Kansas, and we are very excited to see what our little princess has been upto and if she has decided to move or not.. from what i can tell she is still comfortable hanging out breach!

Monday, April 30, 2012

How far along? 24 weeks,baby is the size of a medium eggplant, about 21.5 in long and about 1.5 lbs J

Total weight gain: around 12 -13 lbs ( should find out for sure Friday!).
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: starting to get in to my 3rd tri I am loosing energy, so trying to sleep through the night to get enough rest!

Best moment this week:sweet kamiryn flipped this week, it felt so cool, we decorated my moms nursery (the background in this weeks picuture)

Miss Anything? My husband, I am so ready for him to be home and able to enjoy this awesome time!

Movement: she is very active lately which I love. If I don’t feel her I am making her move so I can lol. She is growing and taking up more space!

Food cravings: im not really craving much, trying to keep my sweets to a low since that’s all I seem to want to eat!

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: muscle soreness
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off? on, getting a little snugger with summer coming! .
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, I cant believe it has been 6 months and soon our sweet little one will be here and her daddy will be home!
Looking forward to: Joe coming home in just two weeks! I am beyond happy!

Grammie's Nursery for when we visit!!
monkey Theme Nursery at grammies!

Kamiryn Ayla is so spoiled!

Someone is a little Jealous!!

The Beautiful Church Baby Shower!

opening all the great gifts! thanks to everyone!

Beautiful Baby Shower! :) we are so blessed
to have all of you in our lives!

before the shower i made dad join this one he was about to work out!

How far along? 23 weeks. Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash!

Total weight gain: aroud 10-12 lbs (not too happy about this lol)
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? No, but itchy skin!
Sleep: extremely restless.

Best moment this week: having our family come and visit, and watching home videos of when we were little.. cant wait to do this for our littte angel!

Miss Anything? being able to eat yummy cheese and drink wine with my cousin.

Movement:she was tired this week I guess from all the activity so I didn’t feel her move as much.

Food cravings: Sweet cold and fruity!

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: leg and back soreness!
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off? on, getting a little snugger with summer coming! .
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little bit of both! lol
Looking forward to: my next doctors appt.!!
How far along? 22 Weeks Kamiryn Ayla has hit the1 lb mark :)

Total weight gain: 10 lbs.. YIKES!
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: tossing and turning alot lately, :(, hardly sleeping

Best moment this week: getting to have my mom feel kamiryn move :)
Miss Anything? being able to sleep through the night and sleeping on my stomach.

Movement: fellibng lots of little flutters and kicks, i love feeling her move!!

Food cravings: Sweet cold and fruity!

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: leg aches..are so bad  :( sleepless nights
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off? on, getting a little snugger with summer coming! .
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little bit of both! lol
Looking forward to: being able to see kamiryn move!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week 21.. over half way there! :)

How far along? 21 weeks baby is as long as a big banana! :).
Total weight gain: 8lbs total at my 20 week check up this week.
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: tossing and turning alot lately, :(
Best moment this week: feeling our little girl kick and move around. its such an awesome feeling!Miss Anything? being able to sleep through the night and sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: fellibng lots of little flutters and kicks, we found out that she is kicking her little feet and thats what all the movement is! such a cool feeling!
Food cravings: Sweet cold and fruity!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really! :)
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: leg aches.. :(
Belly Button in or out? inn
Wedding rings on or off? on, getting a little snugger with summer coming! .
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little bit of both! lol
Looking forward to: Joe coming home and feeling our little one kick! its so hard with him missing so much!
little Kamiryn. you can see her cute little nose
her healthy heart and spine!

her belly and head!


Week 20

How far along? 16 Weeks baby is the size of a coke can.
Total weight gain: 7 total lbs at my 19 week check up
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good :), catching up from last week and i am sleeping so hard!
Best moment this week: Feeling her first kicks on march 29th!Spending the week in Tulsa with My cousin Kim and having a nice relaxing week after moving everything in to our new place last week.
Miss Anything?
i would DIE for a medium steak and some sushi... but it is well worth the wait! :).
i felt my FIRST movement this week, it started out as flutters and then little pokes :).
Food cravings:
cold and sweet!.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
nothing really lately!.
Gender: a sweet little princess!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: swelling of my hands and feet!
Belly Button in or out? innie minnie
Wedding rings on or off? on!.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to:
going home and getting things ready for when joe comes home!

Week 19

How far along? 19 Weeks.

Total weight gain: a total of 7 lbs at my 19 week check up.
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good :)
Best moment this week: Moving and getting our house in kansas, this is our front door in the picture!
Miss Anything? energy.. all this moving has made me so exhasuted i am ready for a week to relax!Movement: no movement yet!
Food cravings: not much of anything this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: no!.
Gender: sweet little girl!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: fingers and toes starting to swell a little
Belly Button in or out? in :)
Wedding rings on or off? on!.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy and Moody! its been one crazy week!
Looking forward to: my Dr appt this week went really good. I Met with my new doctor in Kansas and she is very sweet and i am excited to go back.

Week 18

How far along? 18 weeks she is the size of a sweet potato!!

Total weight gain: 4lbs at my 16 week check up!
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good :)
Best moment this week: packing and getting all our things ready to go, its almost here!
Miss Anything? my emotions are runnig high this week i miss being calm lol!!
Movement: No little kicks yet!
Food cravings: sweet and fruity!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really. im doing pretty good with nausea lately.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: restless nights!!
Belly Button in or out? its still in
Wedding rings on or off? on, now that summer is approaching my hands are swelling more lately.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
anxious and excited for joe to come home.
Looking forward to: feeling our sweet little girl kick! i cant wait for those little flutters

Week 17

How far along?  17 weeks, baby is the size of my hand!
Total weight gain: 4lbs at my 16 week check up!
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good :)
Best moment this week: Shopping for her Room is so much fun, i bought all the decorations this week.
Miss Anything?being able to sleep all night and SUSHI!!!!
Movement: no movement yet, anxiously awaiting!!!
Food cravings: anything sweet and fruity!.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
the nausea has taken a hike! YAY!
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs:
Symptoms: leg aches.. :(
Belly Button in or out? innie
Wedding rings on or off? on, although hands feel a little swollen in the mornings.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy, super super happy and excited :)
Looking forward to: Moving and getting our place all set up, it will be a huge relief knowing its all ready for us when joe gets home from leave.

Monday, March 5, 2012


How far along? 16 Weeks baby is the size of a coke can.
Total weight gain: 4lbs at my 16 week check up!
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good :)
Best moment this week: Finding out that our sweet little baby is going to be a PRINCESS! we are so excited to completly spoil her and cherish every moment with her.
Miss Anything? being able to sleep on my stomach... im starting to wonder where Joe is going to sleep once he gets home... my bed has become FULL of pillows.
Movement: no movement felt yet, at the drs appt, the baby kicked and we could hear it. it was so special. Dr. says we should start feeling movement soon.
Food cravings: nothing much.. just sweets here and there, and chips and salsa.. but thats pretty much a lifelong craving haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick: coughing... this cough has got to go... it makes me gag.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: leg aches.. :(
Belly Button in or out? its still in
Wedding rings on or off? on, although hands feel a little swollen in the mornings.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, super super happy and excited :)
Looking forward to: Moving, in just two weeks we will be moving to kansas.. and in 59 days my husband will be home.. YAY! man i miss him so much!

Kamiryn Ayla's Bedding

Kami's Stroller!

Uh Oh.. mommie and daddie have already
Started to Spoil our little girl
There are lots more outfits like these!! :)

Precious little onsie!
dressing this little girl is going to be so much fun!
Baby Bump!


Monday, February 27, 2012

15 Weeks!

How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain: 4lbs total so far
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good lately!
Best moment this week: all the energy i have. it has been so great having more energy and getting things done. :)
Miss Anything? i am CRAVING a spicy Tuna Roll... and a medium steak... guess i will have to wait! :) but well worth it! 
no movement felt yet.. i am ANXIOUSLY waiting to feel those first kicks and punches!!!!Food cravings: sweets! i crave anything sweet, smoothies, Candy (BAD), Juice.. i am not a sweets person but i cant control this pregnancy sweet tooth lol!
Anything making you queasy or sick: i feel so so mjuch better this tri... not quesy hardly and i can pretty much stand the smell of everything... except my dang Prenatal.. YUCK!!!
Gender: Stay Tuned week 16 is gender reveal!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: small back aches, and PB (pregnancy Brain)
Belly Button in or out?IN
Wedding rings on or off? on, close to my heart ! :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: March 1st we find out what the baby is!!!! :)

Stay Tuned Thursday March 1st is Gender Reveal and week 16 update!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 Weeks Happy Valentines Day :)
Total weight gain: 0.5lbs
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: starting to sleep better!
Best moment this week: noticing my baby bump, and Valentines day!
Miss Anything? being able to sleep on my stomach.
Movement: getting SOO anxious to feel those first movements!!!
Food cravings: not really craving much, but milk and cereal is my staple. for Breakfast, lunch, dinnner lol pretty much all i eat!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nausea is barely around anymore! YAY, Now,....if i could just get this sinuses under control!
Gender: dont forget to Vote!! march 2nd is the day we find out
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Emotions, and starting to fill out my clothes more! (yikes)
Belly Button in or out? innie
Wedding rings on or off? on, Close to my heart! :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: this weekend, going on a MiniVacay for my ValentinesGift from the sweet Husband. i cant wait!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

13 Weeks

How far along? 13Weeks
Total weight gain: 0.5 lbs!
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping pattern is so strange. Just my body getting ready for baby!
Best moment this week: we got another sonogram and good news from the Quad testing. We saw the baby jumping all around it was so precious. We also got the  Baby Furniture. Its getting so exciting! i cant wait until we find out what you are!
Miss Anything? my husband, soon he will be home and able to share this amazing experience with me, until then its just relying on technology! :)
Movement: we got to see lots of movement but havent felt any yet!
Food cravings: my cravings have subsided this week, not craving much of anything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nausea is getting SO much better, still have rough mornings but for the most part not too bad.
Gender: only 2 1/2 weeks until we find out! SO exciting!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: excitement!! and restless legs! Baby Bump is starting to Show! :)
Belly Button in or out? in!
Wedding rings on or off? on! :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but most def feeling these crazy hormones!
Looking forward to March 2nd. ( only 2/12 weeks!!!) We get to find out what our sweet precious baby is! and in 5 weeks we move to Kansas! 11 weeks and 4 days until Joe is home! :)

Crib! cherry color wood.
(not the bedding)

Dresser/Changing Table

Gliding/Rocker and ottoman!


tiny little nose! and hands!

Baby Feet! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

:) 12 Weeks :)

How far along? 12Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs. dr was a little concerened since i lost 6 lbs.. i had to convince them it was cruise lbs. lol
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in. things getting a little snugger..
Stretch marks? no. St Ives Vitamin E lotion after EVERY shower!!
Sleep: whats sleep?!?.. i wake up every morning at 3 a.m. and i cant go back to sleep for hours.. :( just my body preparing for our little one
Best moment this week: Another FANTASTIC Dr. appt. We got to hear our Precious little ones heart beat. Heart rate was a fast and strong 164 beats/min. So thankful my parents get to come with me.. hearing Joes reaction to heart beat was so amazing! :)
Miss Anything? being able to sleep on my stomach. i have ALWAYS been a tummy sleeper, and sushi and subway sandwiches... what i would do for some sushi or a subway sandwich  
no baby moves yet! still anxiously awaiting those first kicks.
Food cravings: Limeades and Fruit Smoothies.. or anything with fresh fruit!
Anything making you queasy or sick:sickness seems to be subsiding a little bit.. (not sick every morning anymore just here and there)
Gender: ?? still waiting! dont forget to vote on the blog. we could possibly find out on february 6th, if not then, we will find out March 2nd.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: acid refulx after big meals.. trying to stick to small munchies. back aches and neck aches..
Belly Button in or out? innie!
Wedding rings on or off? on, except for showers, walks, and sleeping when my hands swell the most.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: my dr appt on monday.... kinda... its my quad test.. i am excited for the sono since we might be able to find out what our little angel is.. but SOO not looking forward to the blood tests.. ThankGoodness my parents are going.. everyone knows i am such a whimp, i forget to breathe and i cry and get shaky.. im a mess lol, i dont cause a scene just a little emotional for me and it always has been. once they hit the vein.. im ok, finding it in my AWFUL rolling veins is enough to make me sick. and i am SUPER excited it is exactly 13 weeks today until Joe gets back... i could be more excited, i am so ready to have him and share this experience with him!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 11

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain: 0lbs
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping schedule is a little wild lately
Best moment this week: getting to talk with my husband about baby plans. we are so excited
Miss Anything? Energy!!!
no moves yet.. cant wait to feel those little kicks
Food cravings: fresh Fruit still and
MANGOS!!! and limeades... i have one almost everyday lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: mornings in general, its day by day
Gender: ?? cant wait to find out!! dont forget to vote on our poll on this page!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: a little acid reflux... yuck! and restless legs
Belly Button in or out? in in innniieeee
Wedding rings on or off? on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, slightly sad.. ready for this deployment to end!!!
Looking forward to: Our dr appt!!
 I Finally fixed our blog so now EVERYONE can leave comments, you dont have to be a member of the page or anything, just leave comments on our posts, we will keep this forever and it will be great to look back at and share!